Ayurvedic Lifestyle Course


This course offers tools for stress management and emotional health using Ayurvedic wisdom. The mind, according to yogic philosophy, is affected by everything that we bring in through all the senses and so the sense therapies are used to bring in harmony at the level of thoughts and emotions along with mindful practices that increase self-awareness. Daily routines for morning and evening lay the foundation for emotional health with practices such as yoga, meditation, breath work, self- massage and various others. These self-care rituals will be taught along with subtle therapies such as aroma-therapy, color therapy and sound therapy. This program is very hands on as emphasis is on learning the sense therapies. Students will experience the calming and nourishing benefits of these rituals and the codes of conduct as well as a deeper understanding into the workings of the mind. 

This course fee includes a one time registration fee of $50

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